Abel Perez Martinez

Abel Pérez Martínez

Software Engineer in Manchester, UK



Software Engineer with more than 12 years of experience. My passion for programming started when I wrote my first "Hello World" program in Pascal at the age of 15. I started my professional career with C# .NET version 1.1, since then I've had the opportunity to follow their evolution to the most recent versions including .NET Core as well as working in a wide range of technologies.

Over the last 5 years, my interest in Cloud technologies and DevOps culture has significantly increased to the point of actively participating in redesigning the infrastructure and becoming the go to person in my team regarding AWS tasks. I actively encourage infrastructure as code and tasks automation to eliminate human error wherever possible.

I've experienced different working environments from solo freelancer to teams of 10+ developers, from Cuba, Argentina and now the UK. I like to apply the best design patterns and practices along with the appropriate technology to each project on a case-by-case basis.

My years as a professor have given me a wider vision and experience dealing with exposing ideas and interacting with people. While I'm a proficient full-stack developer, I prefer the back end side where the majority of the logic resides and is exposed as simple and clear interfaces to the client.

See my LinkedIn profile for more career details.

Career Highlights

At CloudStuff, leading a team has been certainly a new experience, breaking out of my comfort zone and dealing with daily operations. Coordinating tasks, setting practices across the team and mentoring are my daily responsibilities while also maintaining the AWS account in good health.

At ao.com, as part of Basket team, rebuilt and improved the Checkout application cloud infrastructure from the ground up followed by the Deployment Pipeline using AWS CodePipeline/CodeDeploy so any team member can easily deploy to LIVE.

At Intechnica, in preparation for Black Friday, helped 20+ companies to enhance their resilience by executing long performance tests and sharing key findings.

At Globant, contributed to improve features on business critical software for important clients such as Deloitte and Sears.

Bachelor Degree with Honours (academic index of 5.11 out of a maximum of 5). Registered software “ERAFPLN v1.0” in CENDA (National Center of Author Rights) [2939-2009].

In College, as member of the high performance students group, achieved two interesting trophies: National Math Contest (Mention 2002), National Computer Programming Contest (Bronze 2003).


Software Development

Cloud native applications - Recently improving my skills of Kubernetes and its implementation on Amazon Web Services. It's the best of both worlds: the portability of an industry standard and the leverage of the cloud provider that takes care of the underlying physical hosts.

Serverless architectures - Currently focused on Amazon Web Services, it's exciting to see how we can leverage the cloud to build cost-effective scalable systems with managed services like Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB.

Infrastructure automation - It's fascinating how a few lines of code can be transformed into interconnected pieces of hardware in a matter of minutes. CloudFormation and Terraform being those I've been looking into.

Linux and Raspberry Pi - From a primarily Microsoft tech stack background I've always been curious about what's on the other side, Windows at work and Linux at home is the way to go. I also enjoy having fun with Raspberry Pis, from retro gaming to local streaming box.

Recent Projects

  • Trying out LFS and BLFS is something I wanted to do for some time to learn more about the internals of Linux systems, because it's the first time I tried it, I went for a virtual machine. I shared my experience in a few blog posts.
  • Kubernetes from scratch using Raspberry Pi and ClusterHAT is a learning exercise to understand in more details how Kubernetes works and a good way to give some use to my ClusterHAT and Pi Zeros almost forgotten in a drawer. Even more challenging due to the lack of support for ARMv6 for which I had to build it from the source code.
  • As I struggled to find a good implementation of the repository pattern for DynamoDB in C# .NET Core, I decided to create my own version of a DynamoDB repository implementation using single table and hierarchical data modelling approach.
  • Recently updated to .NET Core 3.1 the guide I've been working on for some time, about how to write AWS serverless applications from scratch using .NET Core where I detail the process of getting to run a Lambda function with the bare minimum of code and setup. Then progressively adding more complexity including API Gateway integrations and some data persistence with DynamoDB.
  • As part of my AWS training I've created a completely serverless infrastructure to create and host static websites guide where I cover the end to end process on how to achieve it, that's also the way this website was initially hosted.
  • A possible record of the pull request that took the longest to be approved. It took three years to be merged by Microsoft. See details in aspnet/jquery-ajax-unobtrusive repository.
  • In my blog I share some of the challenges I've faced as a developer as well as some other coding ideas.

Other things

  • I can speak three languages: native Spanish, fluent English and French.
  • I have double jointed fingers, but it doesn't help me type faster.
  • I collect mugs from all places I visit, 20+ so far.


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